Drywall Contractors
Expert Drywall Contractors Near You
Sometimes referred to as sheetrock, or gypsum board, drywall is one of the most common materials utilized in commercial construction. Used to form the flat surfaces – like walls and ceilings – in most interior spaces, drywall is an easy-to-use, convenient alternative to plaster. Our Drywall Contractors make it possible to flesh out interior spaces in a short period of time with consistent product known for superior sound absorption qualities.
There are a host of different drywall options available, which is why it’s essential to hire drywall experts who are well-versed in the variety of applications. Some jobs call for basic drywall while other projects require specialty products that provide enhanced building properties. Drywall is a great solution for a variety of reasons including:
Sound-absorption – ideal for spaces in any structure where soundproofing is essential, lobbies, open office configurations.
Fire-resistant – increased fire protection delays flames and heat from spreading around rooms, floors and buildings while protecting structural supports.
Moisture-resistant – Also known as green drywall, this type is especially good for spaces subject to higher humidity and moisture.
Eco-friendly – An ecologically-friendly version of drywall contains more recycled materials than basic gypsum drywall and also provides better protection against mold. It’s also useful for keeping out insects/pests.
Paperless – preferable for bathrooms and kitchen facilities. It has a fiberglass coating that not only keeps moisture out but also adds to the structural integrity of the drywall. Strong and long lasting.
Your building project may require a variety of drywall options. Hiring experts like our team at Peninsula Wall + Ceiling is always an easy choice.