Hastings Park Casino

Hastings Park Casino

60,000 sq. ft. Retrofit Casino built UNDER a Thoroughbred Racing Facility!

This amazing 60,000 sq. ft. facility was fitted beneath an existing and decades old racetrack. It was an extremely challenging prospect to marry the very, very old with the brand spanking new and even more challenging was the fact that we had to do it all in time for opening day! No matter what, the horses were scheduled to run and there were no excuses for not finishing on time!

Luckily Peninsula Wall + Ceiling was on the job and everything was completed to perfection, on time and on budget. Now that’s a Trifecta!

This was the beginning of a long and enduring relationship with the Great Canadian Gaming Corporation, who to this day, continue to rely on Peninsula Wall + Ceiling to do it right!

Work performed by Peninsula Wall + Ceiling: Steel framing; insulation; acoustical suspended ceilings; high-end wooden suspended ceilings; high-end wooden walls; drywall; tape and fill.

Hastings Park Casino

188 Renfrew St N,
Vancouver, BC
V5K 3N8

General Contractor:
Deramore Construction and Great Canadian Gaming Corp.

Our satisfied and repeat customers include: